Christmas 2021 Trend #2
Monochromatic colour schemes are derived from a single base hue and extended using its shades, tones, and tints. This theme is achieved by using white Christmas decorations with shades and darker colours, grey or black. Monochromatic colour schemes provide opportunities in art and visual communications design as they allow for a greater range of contrasting tones that can be used to attract attention.
There are so many different ways of creating the perfect red and white Christmas. So, we have come up with a few ideas to get you started. Black looks stunning with white, grey and silver, so if you opt for these colours of ornaments and garlands, you will make your Christmas tree sophisticated. Think that black is only for goths? Nothing of the kind! Black is a classic that can be easily turned into glam and glitz, and a black Christmas tree will quickly prove that to you. Choose glitzy glam ornaments in gold, silver, pastel pink and blue, or on the contrary: hot fuchsia, pink, red and purple ones to make the tree stand out.
For this theme, use chequerboard and Dior as inspiration and let your Christmas decorations ooze 80’s elegance. If you want to use this theme to craft your perfect tree, try using a black or white artificial tree and decorating it with black, white, and silver decorations. You would be surprised how these massively contrasting shades can work together to make a show-stopping statement in your home.